Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Housemanship preparation (Malaysia)

Medical graduate issues

1. prepared: history taking, PE
2. somehow know but shocked when it happens: time used for work, breaking bad news to pt, not clear on ethic issues (fear to harm the patient), senior approach (stress, fear to be scolded, fear of extension, poor support)
3. unclear area: emergency management, nutritional care, prescribing safely, diagnostic reasoning, clinical practical skills, insurance issue, confidence and communication skills

The best to get prepared is to set

1. your mind straight on what to do
2. Be humble always
3. Have a good attitude
4. Hardworking 
5. Learn constantly, improve clinical knowledge

Some common things you need to know: 

What is housemanship? 

The state of being a houseman—a junior doctor training in a hospital post—usually understood to mean the first two years of training in health systems that follow the British system of post-graduate medical education.

Contract/permanent HO benefits (depends on different hospital): 

1. Salary and allowances
2. Annual leave: 25d/year
3. 90 days/ year fully paid MC 
    -BUT usually the days you took for MC are counted as annual leave.
4. Free treatment at gov hospital

How are the HO graded at the end of each posting? 

Make sure you put in the LNPT/SKT form points, ensure all 90%(5% from workshop/conference/medical course, volunteer/ community activity, engagement activity- keep the certificate) for each posting, (either in E-Hemis or in a log book based on hospital. confirm fill in and submit on time)

- try to pass a paper so you get a department you want by the end of 1st year houseman. Medex, basic sciences (opthalmo, ent, orthopedics)

Contract MO

1. same salary and no allowances (shift change to oncall)
2. Annual leave: 25d/year
3. 90 days/ year fully paid MC 
   - proper MC
4. Free treatment at gov hospital
5. No paid leave for chronic illness
6. Not eligible to be in the masters program
7. Not eligible for LPPSA (because you are not a permanent staff)

Permanent MO = Masters applicant

Criteria for absorption as MO

MMA post graduate criteria

1. no extension in any posting
2. never late for HO
3. No discipline issue
4. No negative comment from seniors
5. choose to serve the government 

Informations above are from multiple resources, thank you all for sharing this informations with us.

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