Monday, June 13, 2022

Cardiovascular examination for children

 Some physical examination compilation of videos to help with revision

Cardiovascular examination

Introduce yourself and ask the kid politely for some information that could aid in your diagnosis later

- age, growth chart, development milestones

- history - any dyspnea/palpitations, exercise intolerance, dizziness/ syncope, family hx (Marfan, chromosomal, CHD in 1st degree relative)

- any vital signs?

- current complain

Next, we go to physical examinations

- general examination (cyanosis, dysmorphic features)

- peripheral pulses (finger clubbing, pulse volume, capillary refill - radial/carotid/femoral)

- check for any signs of anaemia, dehydration

cardiovascular examination:

- palpation - apex/ heave/ thrill

- auscultation - lying down, sitting up forward, hold breath

  • timing (systolic/ diastolic)
  • quality (soft/ harsh)
  • intensity- grade II (innocent), grade III or higher (possible thrill)
  • louder with exercise / anaemia / fever / position?
  • any other sounds?

- check for edema - sacral/ leg

- hepatomegaly (common in heart failure children)