Saturday, December 26, 2020

HO assessments

HO assessment

It is not nice to get extended when you are working as a HO, especially we are all contract based. So make sure you take precautions and get prepared to make sure you pass the assessments. 

common reason for extension:

make sure you complete all your log book and assessment before finishing a posting, dont get extended because of this two reasons!

1. approach specialist early for assessment 

    - procedure

    - knowledge - long case, short case, 

    - feedback, communication

    - mcq (bank of question to study within 4 months)

- some departments have MCQs to pass before you can proceed for specialist assessment. make sure you ask your seniors about the details and start prepping early. Usually dept for internal med, pediatrics have MCQ assessmentss

    - basic life support - to make sure you are a save dr before they "graduate" you from the department

2. assessment

  • DOPS: 
    • doctor will observe how you do the procedures and see if you pass - blood taking, CBD, iv line, ryles tube insertion.... (complete it within the first 2 weeks)
  •     compulsory perform : in the posting (by 12 weeks) 

    •  make sure you fill up all the RN and diagnosis of patient once you are in charge of one. otherwise you will have trouble filling them up when you are about to finish your posting
  •     compulsory observe/assist : in the posting (by 12 weeks)
  •     case base discussion: 1-6 long case 1-6 short case. (within first 8 weeks)

    •  can attempt 3 times before extended. (1on1/bed side)*** try to approach supervisor/specialist incharge a month before if possible. 
  •     incident of concern (error on your means- blood transfusion)

    • always double check the registration number and name of patient before you send the blood for transfusion or GSH. Check if it is your MPM number while requesting for blood especially those on the computer! it is very important. you can get extended because of this little incidents. 
  •    complete your log book
  •    taken leave in excess
    • all department usually have 8days leave(include EL, MC and Leave)
    • varies depends on dept, some dont include MC in the 8days leave.

So we can't just try our best to pass the department, we should also try to strive and learn in order to pass as a safe doctor.

How to EXCEL?

  • case base discussion 

(you can pick the case yourself, which one you are confident in? usually will check which ward you look for, to know how you manage the case, diagnosis must fall in the mandatory topics.)

- mini cx

- 50% attendance, fill in before deadline lnpt? msf

- attend as needed, mcq 20%

- 40% logbook, communication and log book

- 35% , 5% logbook on time, cpd pass at first attempt 15%

  • Compulsory procedure

- indication and contraindication

IF you got extended, usually it is another few weeks to 2 months before another assessment. this is the time for you to rebound and get back on track, make sure you reach their requirements! 

*Tips to pass: 

1. study throughout your posting and not a few days prior assessment.

  • good practice to be a capable medical officer in the future

2. to study each case you handle if possible everyday

  • the best time to combine what you learn in the hospital with the theory in the books
  • if you realise management by the doctors are different, you can still go back to them and ask the second day instead of 1 month later!
3. Remember it is not just about working fast but it is about your KNOWLEDGE application.
  • YOU are a DOCTOR in TRAINING and not some clerk or runner boy/girl or assisstant,
  • always be vigilant in what the doctor is asking you to do.
  • ask for the indications/reasons for certain procedures(blood Investigations, Xrays, Surgery, medications) or referral. 
    • --> so you know the reasons for their work and not just running all blood as baselinešŸ˜µ

will update more in my upcoming posts. 

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